Thursday, September 1, 2016

Ettley is three months:

Our little girl is growing like crazy and we can’t keep up! I love experiencing the firsts all over with her and I have loved dressing her up and buying all things girly. She continues to melt our hearts. 

 - She is still sleeping through the night and her napping has gotten a little better! Sometimes we can even get a 2 hour nap out of her. 
  • She LOVES to chew on her fists all the time. There isn’t really a time where her hands aren’t in her mouth. She still likes her binky but doesn’t take it all the time which makes me wonder if she will be a hand sucker.
  • She has started reaching for toys and playing with them on her mamaroo and bouncy chair. She can even hold a few chew toys in her hands but she usually just ends up eating her hands and dropping her toys.
  • When she is on her back she will rotate herself all over the floor. She is never in the same place I left her.
  • She is my snuggliest baby and I LOVE it! Sometimes she will just lay on my shoulder or snuggle her face into me. She also likes it when we hold her hand while she tries to fall asleep. She still loves to sleep in my arms and I hope this snuggle phase lasts.
  • At about 3 1/2 months she laughed! It was the cutest sound ever but she saves them. She will smile like crazy but getting a laugh is hard.
  • We recently went on a Disney cruise with Dane’s family and unfortunately Ettley had to stay home because she wasn’t 6 months (a rule I didn’t know existed). I had pumped milk for her before I left but my mom also gave her formula. She is now the happiest baby. She was just hungry and wasn’t getting enough from me. 
  • I have stopped breastfeeding Ettley. I am still pumping but I wasn’t making enough milk for her. My supply was decreasing before I left on my trip and so I decided that I would stop nursing her and just pump milk and mix it with formula. This decision has been super hard for me again especially because I really loved breastfeeding this time around but I hope that next baby I will be able to finally figure out this breastfeeding thing. Ettley is so much happier now and that’s all the matters. 
  • On 8/27 she rolled from her stomach to her back! 

We love our Ettley girl and her cubby cheeks that she has now gotten from drinking bottles. Here are some cute pictures: 
Sleeping through mommy's birthday dinner

Starting to notice the flowers

Celebrating Lorelei's baptism

Ettley's blessing day! We were so glad Dane's parents could join us (his brother Tony was there but had to leave before pictures)

My cute girl!

I love when she sleeps on me!

Don't worry we checked her every few minutes...she likes her stomach better

Naked kids!

This is what Ettley has to deal with but I think she likes it!

I have two kids! Crazy!

Going through the Philly temple open house

Visiting daddy at work!

Look at those cheeks! 

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